Looks like my old friend Jerry Baker has some competition for your gardening dollar from this equally folksy-looking entrepreneur. Since accidentally discovering a home brew for greening up those yellow spots in the lawn, he's concocted recipes for durn near everything. And now for $49.95 (or the bargain price of $29.95 if you act before 9/18) he'll send you his ebook, in which he reveals his secret recipe for killing insects ONCE AND FOR ALL. (Permanency is key.)
His website presents this hard-to-refute argument for buying the book.
In order to get all the recipes found in this ebook "Forceful Insecticides & Fertilizers: Homemade Recipes" you would probably have to do as John Perez did. Study chemistry, meet the best exterminators, read dozens of books, talk with experts for hours. And most of all, you would have had to create recipes, analyze their results and draw conclusions. Now, the best recipes and techniques... can be found in this condensed, practical, complete and immediately exploitable work.
Yeah, think of the tedious research we'd all have to do, since NOBODY in academia or industry has ever done any.
The benefits of using his recipes are obvious. If you buy this ebook and you're a professional exterminator, "You'll be obtaining a major, systemic career edge." And if you're a professional gardener, "You'll reduce in your insecticide and fertilizer costs. Your pocket will of course feel the change." [Bolding and punctuation in the original.]
And here's a quote for Amy and all her worm-loving readers: "Treat your lawn with a deworming concoction. (learn how and why you must do it once a year) [Yeah, that's all in the original.]
My favorite quote from the site? "3 Reasons to Believe What John and I say: Reason one: Maybe you've seen John on television."
Take-home message? If these guys can sell ebooks about gardening, maybe there's a market for people who aren't QUACKS. (Sorry, he's got me bolding and ALL-CAPPING and now I can't STOP.) Ya sure can't argue with the economic model of getting 30 bucks for sending an email. And if you've ever been interviewed on local cable (and I have!) you, too, can use the guaranteed credibility-inducing "As Seen on TV."
Link via email from Kathy Jentz.
Oh stars and stripes. Another Jerry... How depressing.
Posted by: Heather | September 19, 2006 at 06:53 AM
These guys are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches.
I was recently asked to review a similar and equally bad book by "Dr." Miles Bader:
Posted by: Tamara | September 19, 2006 at 09:56 AM
A good glass of red
Couple of rum and cokes
follow with;
6 or 7 Negra Modelo's
Who gives a damn if you got a weed or two. Don't get me started about 'these' guys.
Posted by: Rick Anderson | September 19, 2006 at 12:05 PM
You missed the exciting “affiliate program” link at the bottom of the web page. “Earn An Enormous 50% Commission Everytime Your Referrals Buy "Forceful Insecticides & Fertilizers: Home-Made Recipes"!
Now I am hooked!
Posted by: Trey | September 19, 2006 at 07:54 PM
Here's a fellow who I admire:
Loves worms, and all the bugs that benefit us gardeners. If you want advice that's fit for the future? He's a good place to start.
Posted by: Jenn | September 26, 2006 at 10:04 AM
To John Perez
Dear John
I recently bought two clematis plants and since planting them they have taken to attaching themselves to our back fence in lightning time.
I have been on the NET and found some info about boosting your clematis, however, it is in America.
Do you have any books, videos etc. about Clematis that I could purchase. I can't wait to see the flowers when they appear. My husband and I live in Forster on the Mid North Coast of NSW.
I watched your program on the ABC on clematis and fell in love with them at once.
Thank you.
Regards... Anita Campbell
Posted by: Anita Campbell | March 28, 2007 at 07:37 PM
His methods really do work. http://www.squidoo.com/Home_and_Lawn_Pest_Control has some good information on his recipes and him.
Posted by: GreenerGrasses | April 14, 2008 at 02:21 PM