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The honest and surprisingly visceral reaction that slips quickly from my lips: Ewww. )shudder(

What an excellent project! I think that the risks are justified by the beautiful end product.

How do the wasps emerge? - do they bite their way out ?- I seem to remember there being single woodworm-like holes in oak galls that I have seen, but these seem too small for a wasp and were presumably some other type of insect.

My first reaction was, WASPS? Yipe yipe yipe yipe ... !

But they aren't the stinging kind. They are quite small, apparently. And, as Amy's post mentions, they rarely damage the plant.

(I don't know what I did before the Internet, my Encyclopedia Cybernetica.)

Certainly an original. I wonder what he could do with bagworms (worms removed, of course).

I hope he didn't receive any 'stinging' criticism for that piece! The creativity of the individual always amazes me!



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