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Hi Susan, Thanks for the "shout out" about the book club. I'd love to have you join us and "mix it up a bit".

Hey, Susan, thanks very much for the mention of Garden Bloggers Geography Project! I hope all the Ranters will do a post; it's really really fun to see how many people are participating and where they're from--so far, from as far north as northern Saskatchewan and Sweden, and as far south as the Australian gardeners.

Thanks for the bumps, Susan - and I'm interested to see people's reaction to the Green vs. Green article. I can see myself on that continuum and hope I'm more at the less strident and annoying end, but admit it is so easy to slip into holier-than-thou hectoring when dealing with folks who don't embrace enviro-friendly ways as much as we'd like.

Susan, thank you so much for mentioning the Growing Challenge! Wow! You can't see it, but I'm jumping with glee - I love what you all are doing, and Sustainable Gardening has been quite an inspiration for me.

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