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Hi Susan,

Thanks for reminding me of My Folia. I must be living in a cave or something because I had never heard of it. I must check it out.

(More to do...)

Don't forget to ring me up when you're down in Southern Maryland and I'll give you a tour of my garden!

Robin at Bumblebee

It would be nice if this could interface with the existing social networks out there. I'm already finding myself addicted to (wasting too much time) facebook. I don't really have the time to keep up with another platform.

My only feeble attempt at a garden journal is through the photos I post to my flickr page, who has time in this season for more?!

We are starting to enter the era of over saturation. Don't get me wrong, My Folia is a wonderful tool, just like Blotanical. The problem is there are just to many blogs, and now social networks to keep up with.

I think what is going to be interesting in the future is how we decide where to spend our precious time. On My Folia, Blotanical, Facebook, My Space, LinkedIn, etc.

I agree with shira, it would be nice if they could intereact so you wouldn't have to switch from one to the other. As it is now I am not joining any new social networking sites simply because I don't have the time. Plus I can't remember which ones I belong to anymore.

This is going to be a challenge for bloggers and blog readers.

I've been a beta tester on Folia since late last year (I was invited because they saw how many garden pictures and captions I was posting on and I'm there for one main reason: it's useful to me. I'm a veteran of many social networking sites (Friendster, Orkut,, MySpace, Facebook, etc.) I agree that it gets tiring trying out new social networking sites but I find that I quickly find out which are useful to me and which interfaces I hate too much to interact with. I think the social networking features of Folia are at fledgling status - not unusual for a beta site. But what is useful to me and why I dove in so completely are the features for tracking one's garden. I use a Mac and there's not a lot of garden software out there for the Mac. I was on the verge of hiring my own database programmer to create the software of my dreams when Folia came along. It does 60% of what I wanted to do and I don't have to save up to hire someone! And since it's a beta site and the developers are very open to suggestions, it's adding new features and interface tweaks constantly. Plus there are all the things I wouldn't have thought up on my own.

I love social networking sites because I like how they help me meet people. Folia is still growing in to its usefulness as a social networking site and I look forward to being part of that. But it is useful to me *right now* as a garden tracking and analysis tool.

Hi - it's Nath from MyFolia here. Many thanks to Susan for the fantastic review of our site, we have had so many new members join today. It's been great!

Just to weigh in on the "social network fatigue" debate and add our two cents :) MyFolia was never designed to be just another social network, and for that reason we have tried to make sure that you can completely ignore the social elements of the site if you choose to do so. We are very much focused on the tracking and organising part of our site as this really is at the heart of what MyFolia is all about. A lot of our members use our site just for this purpose and come in and out as they please - we have tried really hard not to be a time waster type site.

As for the comments about duplication, we are trying to build the site so that it links in with as many as your existing online accounts instead of replacing/duplicating them - we have so far integrated with flickr, picasa and blogger photos (photobucket coming soon), we also creating widgets to enhance your blogs with your plant tracking data, and that's just the start!

We are far from finished with MyFolia as our members are always coming up with great ideas for the site - we just have to find the time to create them :) If anyone has any suggestions for the site, we'd love to hear them!

We knitters have something called Ravelry that serves this same type of function ... I love it. I guess I'll be checking out Folia now!

That's funny, Ann. I found out about Ravelry because a lot of Ravelry folks are on Folia! So it goes both ways...

I found MyFolia via a group post on Flickr and am so excited to now be a member of this incredible group of gardeners.

The site is so extensive I have barely scratched the surface in my first week as a member..can't wait to meet more gardening buddies and get out and photograph more of my plantings to share

I just joined MyFolia last week and I'm loving it. I'm not interested in the social network angle, either - I'm using it to document my balcony garden. It's beautifully designed for that kind of thing, and like Trey (comment above), I'm on a Mac.

Slowly but surely I'm adding plant pictures and info and I love it.

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