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Great photos of the Starbucks sidetrip. Glad you found it interesting. I frequent Starbucks, not for the coffee--which I don't drink--but for the free coffee grounds. I apply them to my St. Augustine grass to help counteract alkalinity of our limey soil.

Wish I had those rain barrels.

What fun to find another Spring Fling post. Thanks for reminding me about our side trip to Starbucks.

Awesome rain barrels! Wouldn't you love to see more places with those outside?
Was the whole roof grass plants or do I detect a shorter broad leaf in the distance? What a great place. I like Starbucks coffee once in awhile. Kudos to those locals even if it is a tourist attracting ploy.

To answer Gloria's question, when I toured this green roof a year ago, there were Mexican feathergrass, pavonia, agarita, damianita, and crossvine, among other native Texas plants. See my post about it for more info:

I really need some of those rain barrels. So cool.
Makes me proud to see that---I'm a Texas girl!

That was one GROOVY Starbucks. And we actually checked out the roof before we ordered our coffee!

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