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Well, apparently bulb willows grow in Texas. I found a picture of a finch sitting in one. Great picture of the finch, not so much the tree.

However, I work in a library with a lot of books on trees and couldn't find it in any of them, or in any of the databases we normally search for horticultural/agricultural info.

Possibly a local name for something that everyone else calls by another name?

I'm intrigued too. Is it possible the name was garbled in the audio of the tv show? I looked under "Common Name" search on the USDA site
and found Bebb Willow and Ball's Willow and Bog Willowherb. Now I'm curious to hear the solution.

When I was in Iraq my mom sent me DVDs that she recorded from our TV and it was great to see my favorite shows even seeing commercials was kind of cool.

You would be amazed at what Soldiers do while deployed including growing plants and vegetables.

When my husband came back from Iraq and Kuwait he wanted to just lay down in the grass outside our apartment and I love to garden. So I can understand to an extent what those troops must be going through. Here is another story about how far an Airman went to garden over there.

Two of the best things in this world; gardens and American Troups!
Thanks for all you do.

We've been watching Carrier on PBS - The Nimitz was my husband's ship for a deployment -- I asked last night - "Could you have a container garden on the ship?" He thought I was nuts, but the idea of nothing green is so depressing.

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