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Lovely piece.

Of course I do wish they were wearing a helmet...
(lovely piece, though, I agree)


I noticed the no-helmet too! Over-concerned parent that I am, it always freaks me out... I know it's good to be free and all, but brain injury is no picnic.

What, no complaints about the photo not looking like winter?
People who go begging for blog photos take what they can get, helmit or no.

While it was 80 degrees on Christmas here in northern Florida, for the last 3 days the lows have been in the 20s! Brrr! The cold feels colder when the temperatures are so variable and those semi-tropical plants will all need to be cut back to the ground this year...

I was going to post a photo of my grandkids pulling carrots on Christmas day in their bare feet, but I don't see how to add a photo here. So here's a link to my article, which includes that photo:

Looks like winter here.

(Phoenix AZ)

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