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Just cut all my glorious ‘Arctic Fire’ dogwood stems down for my sister to make baskets with. She uses holly stems for an acid green contrast in her work, quite brilliant, and I get to keep the baskets for the home and garden. Good exchange! Good work girls. Regards Fay

Thanks for this post- I missed New England Grows... And I'm with Brandi on the composter.

We've had a fab show here in London this week, which I've written about on my blog today. You'll also find links in there to several bloggers who also went to their show and have posted their reactions.

Lots of design, ideas and gorgeous plants. What more could you ask for?


Oh, dear deer. It is amazingly ironic that those who seek real garden space (outside Any City, USA) in quieter, more natural surroundings, that they complain about the plants and animals that live there.

"Like everyone, I’m still looking for the magical solution for keeping deer out of my yard."

Why? The first thing I did (as even city community garden must do or everything would disappear overnight) was to figure out optimum placements and erect edible and visual garden fences! Snow peas thrive just out of nose reach!

The other extreme is a property-surround electric fence - often blocking habitat, water sources, ancient trails, and stressing does who don't wander 1/2 mile from their birthplace.

I spent three days at the Grows Show as an Independent Sales Representative and did a post on it also. I was surprised to see this article mentioning two of my favorite vendors in this article. I sell product for Oh no Deer and also Summer Hill Nursery. Both are great lines of products.

Thanks for the info. How I missed my garden on my grandparents house. I wish I can go back and try to have new one like you've said.

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