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I'm trying container gardening this year in conjunction with regular gardening because my deck is deer proof! At least, I hope it is. Never say never when it comes to deer--

Great set of links to info. Ditto with the container gardening!

Looks like a nice grouping of educational articles to check out.
Thanks !

In regards to the California study that planting a tree on the SW side of your house will only save you $25 dollars a year on your electric and gas bill,- what they didn't include in their estimate is how much water you can also save on your watering bill by cutting down the evaportranspiration time ( ET as it is commonly called here ) .

I just completed a Site Water Management class and a lot of attention was paid to various conservation measures including how to manage ET.
In many cases here in California our water bills can outpace the cost of electric and gas charges , so paying attention to tree placement can save you money in all sorts of ways. ... it can also cost you a bundle too if improper choices are made.
Just goes to show you, there is always more to it than meets the eye.

The $25 saved on gas & electric represents a 2% annual savings on the average American bill...another article in Science Daily said when energy prices double, the average household cuts their consumption by 13%. Of course, you should still plant trees...

I've been growing produce in containers for years, very successfully...even heirloom tomatoes. One does not need to rely on "patio" tomatoes or other "smaller" plants--unless you want those specific varieties (although "patio" tomatoes are at the bottom of my list for flavor).

Renee Shepherd, has fabulous veg suggestions for containers.

I absolutely loved the news! Garlic mustard is a real problem in my neck of the woods - would love to post more about it on my own blog - - I'll go check out the details.

Thanks for the tip!!!

Shawna Coronado

Okay, here's a tiny rant:

Let's not call something 'pintsized' unless it actually contains a pint.

Pint sized and successful gardening would be a story indeed.


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