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Yep! Nothing is so important that it can't be ignored so as to watch Butterflies, Hummers, and flowers bending in the breeze!

I run out of steam at this timeof year as well. I flag when it comes to tidying up after the early summer flowering and only start to find some enthusiasm when it comes to choosing bulbs for spring

I agree with Helen. For me, August is the monthe that I am just not interested. I do not know if it is the heat, or I am just tired, but a lot slides then. However, I perk up when bulb planting in the fall, and it is always a good time to move plants, make new beds. Then, I am really glad when winter comes. I can doze in front of the fire, with my catalogues, happy my plants are all tucked in under their fluffy duvet of snow. And I dream of spring.

You are my brand of gardener. If Martha Stewart ever visited my patch, I would hope she would see June's potential and not August's overgrown mess. Fortunately September is here, lower humidity and hope for the fall growing season. In Florida we rarely get to the dozing in front of the fire stage but that's ok too.

oH BOY-- where do I start? This is nature's way of preparing us. Things sprout, they grow, they flower-- they die. Wah! If I were a lion in the veldt I might break into "The Circle of Life." Clueless, you are channeling the Great Inevitable, which is better than trying to push against it-- a battle you would lose!

Wow, did I need this. On-line gardening therapy at its best!

Clueless Gardener, I owe you $125.

oh, the sweet sentiments of the late summer gardener! I have the identical thoughts. You put it all perfectly! Thanks for the therapy!

What is a real gardener anyway?
One who constantly is at work, or one who loves a garden and piddles around enjoyably, and loves all the little worm(ies) and weed (ies)
and petals and leaves and blossoms. You sound like the real kind of gardener to me. Not clueless at all, really.

Kass, you captured my own gardening behavior so well! Last weekend I did some weeding and then flopped in the hammock to look at the different beds and begin the planning for next spring. It was lovely to just lie back and drift.

I guess you spoke for many of us - me included. August is a tough month, but really, aren't the grandchildren and the Heath Fair more important. Talk about directing one's attention elsewhere. It's done! September is a whole different thing.

hi kass; can i relate and now i am so glad that in this very lazy month of august, i have found others just like me...before i would look at all the over growth and weeds that have crowded so many of our beautiful flowers and plants, but now i just look at the late beauty of the garden after a gorgeous display this summer..and think about next spring and how i get to start all over..

Kass is an excellent gardening writer! I hope to see more of her work publicized. I happen to know that she is an excellent cartoonist as well; she illustrates the "Imponderables" book series. Check 'em out!

Ha! That is me all over, except that the apathy usually sets in even earlier in the summer. I've always blamed it on my lassitude in hot weather. But this year I've had to face the truth: The Michigan summer has been lovely and cool, and I STILL haven't done any of those small tasks of which you speak so eloquently. So it's just me, a lazy--yet appreciative!--semi-gardener. And it's okay. Thanks for the therapy!

Kass, you described the August gardener exactly! Made me feel much much better about myself.

I have a love/hate relationship with my garden sometimes, but in August it turns to hate/hate. They say that humans remember pleasure but not pain, but when it comes to August I remember only sweat and bugs. But -- this morning it was 60 degrees and unhumid, and I bought a beautiful "Limelight" hydrangea at Home Depot at a bargain price, and it's time to choose bulbs for the reclamation area, so heighho for the autumn season.

Hmmm, now that August is over, why not look for inspiration in September?


My sentiments exactly. My August gardening can be summed up as a lot of "just don't look too closely and things don't looks so bad."

This week, the weather has turned cooler and already I am starting to think about what shrubs to plant this autumn. What a difference a change in weather can make!

The Clueless Gardener is my new favorite therapist! Please tell us that you'll be back for the winter woes and the bulb blues and the Spring showers. You're a treat, Kas

The bees polinated the heck out of my apple trees. Now I have apples. I've spent the past two weeks trying to figure out how to get the apples out of the trees. They're tall. We never really pruned them effectively. And until we got the bees, the one only fruited every other year or so. One year, a tropical storm completely de-fruited the tree. Alas, no tropical force winds can save me. This weekend's task is trying to figure out how to pick apples from a too-tall tree.

I loved reading Guest Post by Kass the Clueless Gardener. What a delight. Hope I see more of her comments in the future!!

Love the Beales of Grey Gardens reference. Clearly they had the right idea.

Kass, that was so entertaining. I need further therapy because my laziness began sometime in mid-June. Thanks for letting me know I need to cut down the Iris stalks (truly clueless) ... if the mosquitoes let up, I might actually go out and do that!

It is a wonderful treat all through the year to read about Kassie's garden and thoughts and flowers and weeds and insects and highs and lows of garden energy.
The cartoons are perfect.

Your writing is dog-day-delightfully dreamy, Kass. You've made me feel like I have a kindred spirit who knows all too well what it's like to feel the inner lament of "If I were a real gardener" or "if I were a real writer...."
Can't wait to savor more of your pretty penned ponderings.

Thank you Kass, for this wonderful reflection!

August is the time of year when I find that it's so much more interesting to watch the Monarchs at the milkweed, the hummingbirds fighting over the trumpet honeysuckle, the Goldfinches picking the seeds from the Helianthus, and the Tiger Swallowtails floating lazily through the air.

This activity is much better than TV, and also much better than disturbing this activity with gardening chores. Those can all come later.....

Its been so hot here in central Florida that pretty much all I’ve been able to do is go outside take a look around and head back inside..I have taken to gardening in the rain to avoid the heat. I love to just watch how the bee’s (and I mean some pretty big ones) like to move from flower to flower on my Caryopteris, Dark Knight…

Been feeling the call of the lounger to... Have a great Day Kass.

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