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Any GardenRant'ers coming to the San Francisco Garden Show March 24-28? I'd like to know if I'd get an opportunity to see a seminar by one of the team.

I'm looking forward to the SF Garden Show. It's looking very promising this year.

Monthly meet-ups planned for the Austin garden bloggers starting next month.

@Elizabeth Stump: Unfortunately no Garden Ranters at the SF Flower & Garden Show this year, but the schedule is up on the show site if you want to see who WILL be there!

@Clair, Thanks!

Our community gardens in Sacramento are coming together nicely.

Several owners of vacant lots have allowed area residents to plant gardens.

Considering we have a 14% unemployment rate in Sacramento, people are trying to help each other out in any way they can.

Even people who have jobs are being asked to take furloughs.

That means a cut in pay for many families of as much as $500 per month if two people are State employees, a very common situation in this town.

So many people end up at the end of the month in normal times with perhaps a couple hundred dollars to save, when paychecks take a $500 hit, it gets to be a serious situation.

Gardening helps all the time, but especially now.

Winter is mostly consumed with new house/new garden issues but my limited spare time is spent planning trips to Philadelphia to work at the flower show and to go to Dallas for GWA in September. I was thinking of going somewhere else but I landed two projects from the GWA meeting in Raleigh so I'll give it one more try.

Going to San Fran in March, FL in February, and hopefully going totally out on my own sometime soonish!

That is a great website for Buffa10 Fling and what a logo! The bar was set pretty high with the previous flings and Eliz and Jim and whoever else is organizing have certainly done a great job. Can't wait and only wish I could go to SF.

Less than 5 months until the 20th Annual Native Plants in the Landscape Conference at Millersville University (PA) June 3-5. Eagerly awaiting registration to open on March 15. This is THE highlight of my gardening year!

I have pretty much filled up my calendar this spring with a book tour of Florida starting Jan 20th right through till the end of May. If you're in Florida, I'll be appearing near you soon.

I can't wait to shuffle off to Buffalo. (Sorry, somebody had to say it.)

Of course the Buffa thing had to be on those dates...arghhhhhh. I just agreed to be on our Master Gardener tour, on July 10. I have waffled for so long, if only I had seen that, I would have defected in a moment! How can I get on the list for info on 2011?

HEY! You DO NOT want to miss the GWA symposium in Dallas in September. I can vouch personally for the interestig gardens the local committee has lined up. I've written about some of them. They will range from estate gardens to hand-made gardens, including some very quirky ones. Plus, we Texans know how to throw a party! Food and drink will be delish and plentiful. Of course, it is likely to be hotter than hell in early September (the board ignored our earnest pleas to change the date), but you'll be indoors in the afternoons. Don't hesitate. It will be crazy fun.

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