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Of course if you want lots of lovely rose hips you mustn't cut your roses back! (At least until it's harvest time.)

Amazing what a difference it makes to have an organics spokesperson NOT wearing a hand-knitted cardigan and bare feet.

P.S. I love hand-kitted cardigans.

Sounds like she did wow them, and you're very astute, Susan, to see how. I'm finding more and more people are dropping the chemicals and are open to more natural ways to have a beautiful lawn even here in Okieland. I said the same thing about the AARS designation last year. It means nada. I do cut my roses back some though or they would be totally outabounds here.~~Dee

If Old Man Winter cuts your roses back, you don't need to, except for the dead bits.

I love the picture of the red rubber boots. Here where there is no mud because there is no rain, we don't get to wear rubber boots.

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