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Welcome to Oregon, Andrew and Bob!

We are so lucky here in Portland! Welcome Andrew and Bob, and are you sure you don't want to start another nursery?...

Just as long as Timber keeps acknowledging that the intermountain west is a distinct and separate gardening region that requires a unique gardening literature, I'm fine with whatever changes they bring.

Great for Timber, truly. Andrew is super, but this is a major bummer for those of us in their east coast neighborhood now! Loomis Creek is a gem!

Just had the first opportunity to visit Loomis Creek a few weeks ago. Heard they were looking for a place in the Northwest. Got the announcement today about the nursery. Sorry to see them go.

Nobody is sadder about this than I am: I have known these two forever and they are my dearest neighbors and collaborators. Sigh.

And yes, when I am not writing and gardening I make WordPress websites for clients. I know, a weird combo of interests, but it keeps me off the streets.

What exactly is "Timber"?

Sorry, Susan, I forgot the link. It's there now - to Timber Press.

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