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Wow, Susan... *I'm* gobsmacked at this profile. Thank you SO much for your kind words!

I really would love to hear GR readers' stories for RadioGarden. I've never met a gardener who didn't have some interesting story or other, and it's those stories I want to give voice to. Email me at the RG address above, folks! The line is open.

I'm going to give it a listen. Thanks for the itunes info.

This is my favorite line --"Suddenly, Andrew Keys is everywhere! And gardening is more interesting for it - and a lot hipper." So true. Thanks for taking notice, and pointing it out to your audience in such a perfect review.

I love Andrew's show. I'm thrilled at his approach to garden stories. To be quite honest I get easily bored with most garden radio/podcasts about half way through because I've heard most of the "how-to" content before. With Andrew's show, I listen, really listen, from start to finish. He has certainly set the bar for future garden radio journalists. I'm glad you took the time to introduce your readers to a real gem in the garden world.

It's interesting to hear more about Andrew. I enjoyed your profile of my fellow Roundtabler. Andrew rocks!

Anyone who has met Andrew knows what a thoughtful and smart man he is. His podcasts reflect that.

You guys should consider a radio interview with Holly Hirshberg, Founder of the sustainable gardening nonprofit - The Dinner Garden. She's already a staple on Michigan's Public Radio [Rick Tormala Show]. Baker Creek Seed just donated $90,000 in seed to The Dinner Garden so were antsy to get the word out.

Andrew is SUCH a fantastic addition to the garden community! He is fresh, funny, knowledgeable, cool - and TALENTED! LOVE him!!!

Susan, this was a fantastic profile - I'm so happy to know more about one of my new favorite people (well, to be honest I've been a bit of an Andrew Keys stalker for a while), and am thrilled that he is getting the attention he deserves. His podcasts are full of wit, charm, and soul - I think we are together in predicting more great things from him, right?


Like Kat White (above), I usually get tired of the usual how-to of most garden shows. For a long time now I've been wishing for something different, but couldn't put my finger on exactly what it should be. And then you mention he's a fan of Ira Glass - that alone had me running (virtually, anyway) over to iTunes to subscribe to the podcast, sound unheard. I'll listen later this afternoon when I have time to devote to the whole show. For now I'll just tell you ( and Andrew, too, if he's watching the comments here) that I'm thrilled to hear about this new show.

I'm so glad to know about this garden. I will be there in the spring. Thanks for all the news!

Congratulations to Andrew!

Regarding the Cotton Arbo-retum, Mindy and Dudley are truly obsessed with their spectacular garden.

I first visited their paradiso in 1990 as a judge for a home gardening contest sponsored by Boston Magazine and the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.

Even then, the garden was incredible. So good, in fact, that we judges had no problem awarding them "Best of Show." (Their grand prize was a round-trip to Amsterdam during tulip time.)

In the twenty years since, the garden has only gotten better. In fact, I am looking forward to featuring Mindy and Dudley and their Cotton Arbo-retum in an article to run on my website, next summer.

I've already taken many of the images. The challenge is in choosing the ones to accompany the article.

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