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The statue is horrible and the truncated quote on the statue is ridiculous. But, the site is beautiful, and the curving wall behind the statue was very nicely done. I think the landscaping will work well as it matures. What I personally found most moving about the memorial were the many, many veterans of the civil rights movement visiting the memorial with their children and grandchildren. All in all, the living elements of the memorial -- people and plants -- are far more impressive than the stone.

Thanks for posting on this! I have yet to go down and see the memorial for myself, but from pictures I'm not impressed. "Cold" is the impression I get as well.

I don't think any recent memorial has come close to the genius of the Vietnam Memorial. Even the Roosevelt Memorial, which is beautiful, doesn't move me the way Maya Lin's simple black wall does. And the new World War 2 Memorial is like something out of the old Soviet Bloc -- totally sterile and extremely disappointing!

Also, have you been to Teddy Roosevelt island lately? It was in a seriously sad state of neglect when I was there a year ago. I hope they fix that one up before they build any new ones.

Time will tell. I well remember the controversy over the Vietnam Wall, yet, the first time I saw it, 15 years after it was built, I thought it was the most moving monument of all.

But I must say, I think the Cherry trees are being overdone around the Mall. Enough already.

"Old-style monuments and memorials" were set in landscape too -- the urban landscape of busy streets with lots of people passing them on a daily basis and sometimes giving them little mental salutes (or perhaps having lunch with them in city parks and squares.) I wonder if what sets the new monuments apart is that they are placed off to the side, in mostly green built spaces, as destinations rather than as part of our everyday public life.

The first commenter above mentioned that the real feeling brought to the King memorial comes from the people who visit and remember with each other. And while Maya Lin's work is genius, I think the same has been true of the Vietnam Memorial.

I have yet to go see the MLK memorial, especially since our normal habit since moving to the DC area is to go to that part of town during the Cherry Blossoms. But, having seen many photos, the statue and 'mountains' look out-of-scale. Hopefully the cherry trees fill in soon!

@ Mary - I agree that Roosevelt Island is in a horrible state of affairs and needs tons of work.

The quote was 'shortened for design purposes'? I can't even begin to say how wrong that is.

Glad to hear that the Interior Dept decided, wisely, to fix the quote. NOW I'll go see the memorial.

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